Toilet Partitions: Maximum Privacy

We are now offering ASI Maximum Privacy Partitions. These are essentially full compartments to create the true ultimate privacy. Restrooms are moving in the direction of all gender, which can create some issues around privacy and safety. 

The partitions are made of phenolic (see our Construction Dictionary), which is the best in strength and serviceability. This material can withstand the moisture conditions from showers, pools, saunas, and even a good hose-down. If vandalism is a problem, these are resistant to impact, scratches, and graffiti. 


Phenolic: Black Core or Color Thru

Style: Overhead Braced or Floor to Ceiling
  • Overhead Braced: Max Height of 96" 
  • Floor to Ceiling: Max Height 120"

If you are interested in a quote or to discuss your restroom needs, please send us an email or give us a call. 
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